The Muktangan Educational Trust was founded in 2011 to support the work of Muktangan.
Watch our video to see what life is like at Muktangan
Muktangan schools, which are run through a strong partnership with the Municipal Corporation of Greater Mumbai, provide creative environments where students experience the State syllabus transacted in an innovative way, learning collaboratively in a spirit of inclusivity within the mainstream educational system.
An inclusive, empowered world in which we all live in harmony with freedom of expression, respect and integrity.
The Muktangan journey began in 2003. Most alternative education models in history had been created in the high-fee private sector, yet 72% of the population in India accesses the government school system. Therefore it was essential that our model worked within the mainstream school system if it were to make a long-term impact.
Our partnership with the Municipal Corporation of Greater Mumbai (MCGM) began when, due to a lack of available space in the local area, six classrooms were rented in the local Globe Mill Passage (GMP) Municipal School. Both the MCGM and the local community witnessed the development of their children’s natural curiosity within the child-centred pre-school. They became firm supporters and demanded more.
In 2004, the MCGM invited Muktangan to establish an English-medium primary school in the same municipal school as our pre-school. It was mandated that the school would grow by one standard every year until standard 10 was reached. With our future secure, we were able to expand teacher education, incorporating training in the primary pedagogical processes that were simultaneously being researched in the classrooms. In 2007, we followed the request of the MCGM and established six more Muktangan English-medium schools within existing MCGM school buildings. The schools grow by one standard each year.